Cloud Solutions For Today’s Healthcare Professionals


Modern cloud solutions give healthcare practices the ability to transition to a paperless business model quickly and at low cost.

EMR Integration

With an increasing demand for more control of data, cloud storage solutions allow businesses to easily switch to an electronic medical records (EMR) system.

Ease of Collaboration

Remote access makes it easy for teams to collaborate and share information whether they are in the next room, the next town or across the world.

Modern Solutions for A Changing Industry

Traditional healthcare practices keep all their patient specific-data on-site. The key issue with this is that any sensitive data runs the risk of becoming compromised – particularly when patient-specific information needs to be sent to collaborating healthcare professionals.

Modern cloud solutions get around this problem allowing remote access to a wide range of data stored electronically in one place. As a result, collaborating healthcare professionals can access patient sensitive data from anywhere in the world during real-time if they choose.

Working with industry-leading professionals in healthcare and dental IT cloud solutions the team at Urban IT are able to provide low-cost cloud solutions that improve the way that dental and allied healthcare practices operate.

Call Urban IT Today to find out how adopting ‘the cloud’ can benefit your business.

dental IT cloud solutions

The Benefits of Cloud Storage Solutions

Allied healthcare and dental IT cloud solutions streamline many of the administrative processes that otherwise hinder time spent taking care of patients. Cloud solutions, for example, can easily manage high volumes of patient data while automatic updates ensure industry compliance at all times. It also allows for an easy transition to a paperless operation with the onset of Electronic Medical Records (EMR’s) – great for you and great for the environment!

Cloud solutions are also ideal for multi-location practices looking to share information amongst other sites, but also for single practices looking to share notes with their in-house team. Most importantly, however, when it comes to healthcare and dental IT cloud solutions, all data is stored on managed and monitored inter-connected servers rather than on local hard drives. This is by far the best and safest way to store patient-sensitive data.

Urban IT, Cloud Solutions and How We Can Help?

With so many of us already making good use of ‘the cloud’ in our daily lives, it makes sense to switch to cloud storage. At Urban IT, we’re an industry-specific IT provider who specialises in the technology needed to run a successful healthcare practice. We have an excellent working knowledge of cloud-based solutions and help businesses to find the right system for them.

In addition, we’ll help with set-up and configuration, team training, remote monitoring and back-up so you don’t have to worry. We’re also available should you have a query or system glitch and can even oversee data recovery if needed.

If you need cloud solutions or cloud storage advice, then contact the experienced team at Urban IT. We can help your healthcare practice with a seamless transition. Isn’t it about time you put your head in the cloud?

Call us today

With almost 2 decades of experience in the Information Technology industry, Urban IT provides a unique blend of expertise and customer service, specialising in Dental, Business and Medical IT solutions right throughout Australia-wide.

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